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I continue to tinker with the website, trying to add features and options, and continue to struggle a bit with the DNS record configuration.ย In my case, I utilize GoDaddy for my domain registration, which works well, but my custom configuration is challenging, as I found out today after trying to make modifications. In parallel […]
Finished the first set of Walkers, a set of 7 female zombies.ย I had posted before that I rather liked the “dirt” effect the wash applied, although it did not look all that great with a couple of color combinations.ย Fortunately, after a bit of dry brushing, the colors recovered quite a bit, and I […]
I finished the highlighting and cosmetics on the Abomination, and rather like the figure.ย I am not that happy with the pants/shorts – the suggested green ended up becoming rather muddy and really fades into the skin tone of the zombie giant himself, but the rest is nice.ย The highlighting and shading really makes the […]
As part of the zombie horde, I started with the seven Walker “ladies” from the set, in an effort to batch out the figures.ย This approach worked well, though I did vary the colors a bit for some variety. Some of the final combinations worked, some did not.ย Not a big fan of the pink […]
Working on the next round of Zombicide figure painting, wrapping up the unique characters and starting the bulk of the zombie hordes.ย First up is the Abomination, base coated and washed, ready for highlighting and cosmetics tonight.ย I was concerned initially by the base coat, it appeared rather flat, but the wash effect worked pretty […]
It may have been noticed, but my website was offline for most of the night yesterday.ย I have been reconfiguring my home theatre system, which runs partially on the same system.ย In my solution, I have a FreeNAS server, which holds a pair of Ubuntu virtual machines, each of which run pieces of the overall […]
Congratulations to George, and his dominating Red deck, who managed to win the first annual Thanksgiving Magic the Gathering competition.ย We ended up with 14 participants, which resulted in 4 rounds of games.ย Many of the players were brand new to the game, so it was rather educational for many, and I believe we have […]
Hosting our (hopefully to be) annual Thanksgiving Magic the Gathering tournament today, a smallish gathering of friends and acquaintances.ย The invites went out to the gaming group, our cub scouts, and the boy scouts, but in truth anyone is welcome to join in the fun.ย By the time this is posted, we will be just […]
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