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Although I haven’t posted audio or video from any of my recent games, the Pathfinder campaign continues.ย The Battle of Sandpoint finally wrapped up, it turned out to take 4 sessions of game time, though the group seemed to enjoy the challenge of the ongoing fight.ย Unfortunately, the group lost Harsk in the fight, after […]
The final set of the recent reinforcements is for the Daqan forces, with a unit of Heavy Crossbowmen.ย As typical, simple to assemble, and with a nice variation with the four different model designs.ย It adds a decent ranged punch to the Daqan, and also appears to be a highly defensive unit as well with […]
Second of our recent reinforcements for the Waiqar is a unit of Death Knights, adding some needed cavalry power to the skeleton forces.ย Figures were simply again to assemble, with two different models in the set.ย A bit unexpected was the new Death’s Grasp ability, and the addition of “Conditions” to the game – unlike […]
Adding some reinforcements to our Runewars Miniatures game.ย The first up is the Hero of Waiqar, Ankaur Maro.ย Of course, it will be some time before the figures are painted.ย As is typical with these figures, the assembly was rather simple, it was only a couple of pieces.ย However, I do have some concerns about […]
Working with my son, we have decided to try to host a Magic the Gathering tournament for our local gaming groups and associates.ย Technically open for anyone, the invite is really limited mainly to our local cub scouts, boy scouts, and gaming groups – though in concept anyone could join in.ย For our first attempt, […]
Having finished the core set of 6 survivors, I then began on the villains of the game.ย I had planned on starting the Abomination, but ended up starting with the Necromancer.ย The basecoat had me concerned, the piece began to become very muddy with the various dark colors, but after the highlighting, the detail started […]
The last of the Black Plague base set survivors is Silas, the Elven Archer.ย As far as elves go, this one was ok, but nothing that great.ย Admittedly, as an archer, I would expect the pose to include the bow, but instead he is armed with a sword (with the bow on his back).ย Overall, […]
First of the next batch is Samson, the Dwarven warrior.ย He is rather short, like most dwarves, but with a lot of detail molded into his muscles and armor.ย Overall I was rather happy with this one, there was enough detail to challenge me, but not so much that it required numerous recoats.ย If anything, […]