• Finished the highlighting on Ann the Nun, and added the other details.ย  Not completely happy with the face and head – my eyesight isnt clear enough to have noticed the poor quality of the habit around the face – but from a game-board distance the figure is rather detailed and nice.ย  Overall, the figure is […]

  • So I found that my auto-linking to Facebook (visit me here) was having difficulties with the various thumbnails I had been posting.ย  Apparently there is a restriction on Facebook that images need to be larger than 200×200 pixels, and my thumbnails were sized at 150×150.ย  As a result, each post would get an error on […]

  • Third of the current set, again just at the point of base coat and washes.ย  Baldric wasn’t too difficult either, though as before the detail around the face suffered from my eyesight and the paint obscuring the detail.ย  I had some difficulty with the necromancer cloak color used for the cloak, which again was a […]

  • Second of the current set of survivors, base coated and washed, but no highlights yet.ย  Nelly was a bit more difficult – I spotted at least one section of her hair that was hidden and missed during the base coat.ย  And the white shirt and apron blended into the light colored dress a bit too […]

  • So apparently the provider from which I subscribe and rent a pair of Ark private servers “lost” my account information and my active server instance.ย  The good news (what there is) is that only one of the two servers was impacted, but unfortunately it was our primary gaming world – in which we had spent […]

  • Did a bit more painting of Zombicide figures last evening, so should have some content for the next several days.ย  First stage was the base painting, and the shading, which then allows them to dry fully until highlighting tonight.ย  And since I am a bit more in practice after my prior work with Clovis, I […]

  • A long time ago (about 10 years or so), I created a detailed character sheet for the roleplaying game Rolemaster.ย  This was based in Excel, and took advantage of the programming and database options in the spreadsheet to automate most of the character generation process.ย  It used several hidden pages to consolidate various options and […]

  • Over the last week or two, my motivation has been lacking significantly, mainly because of my “real” job during the day.ย  I still find this effort, as well as my podcasts and gaming activities interesting and rewarding, but when the other job wears you down and keeps you running from sun up to sun down, […]

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