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Those who know me know that my ability to deal with car maintenance is limited to oil and washer fluid, or adding air to tires. My son however seems to have a knack for it though, as he quickly and easily replaced the tire on the back of the car. Perhaps this might be a […]
Finally got a chance to play some more Runewars, which has been quite some time.ย As a result, both of my son’s ended up playing against each other, while I attempted to decipher and teach the rules.ย Fairly quickly, they both picked up the game, and managed to get a series of maneuvers that surprised […]
The Heroes assault the Hounds of Chaos on their own turf, and disrupt their criminal enterprise. Season 01, Episode 02 of the Outcasts campaign, a continuing gaming Audio Podcast of our Hero System (Champions) Superhero campaign. Fall – Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Running a little bit behind schedule, but should be wrapping up the audio podcast for the last Hero System game this evening, or early tomorrow.ย Condensed down very well – a 8 hour session only had about 30 minutes of content, thanks to a combat heavy session.ย Going to experiment with sound effects to spice […]
Spending the evening working on the wife’s laptop, to upgrade the factory stock SSD drive from 512 GB to a new 1 TB SSD drive.ย Most of the effort is relatively easy (cloning the drive), but the real challenge will be the actual replacement.ย For various reasons, laptops these days no longer have the “easy” […]
Today I went and got my beaver and accidentally killed it. So there was a update that gave a tranq dart turret. So I built it up then when out to find a beaver. I found this one place out in the woods that had beavers so I placed it down and it took me […]
Over the weekend, I spotted a notification that YouTube was altering the monetization process (how you make money on YouTube). ย Specifically, until a channel has 10,000 views or more, they simply won’t play advertisements or monetize – the channel is too small. ย By all means, I don’t blame them, they need to make sure that […]
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