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So my first attempt ended dismally, with paint pretty much everywhere except the intended location. ย I have since ordered and replaced the paint set (which is being handed down to my wife for craft projects). ย In the meantime, I did manage to salvage what little video there was, though I have edited out the associated […]
I have been planning to get back into miniature painting again for some time, and even went to the effort of designing and configuring a new youtube channel. ย However, it has taken until now for me to actually get started. ย Hopefully by the time this posts, I will have an actually painted miniature, with a […]
To go along side the Daqan command unit, we added the associated Waiqar command unit. ย Similar in theme, and similarly simple in construction, the detail continues to impress. ย These are of course for the Runewars Miniatures game, the full unit name being the Waiqar Infantry Command unit. ย I particularly like the skeletal drummer, previous musicians […]
So I had a grand plan to start my painting miniatures series last night, and even organized, packed up, and hauled all the gear out to my location so I would be ready. ย Miniature primed and ready to go, camera charged and set. ย And then work develops an issue with one of my clients, with […]
Adding a few units to the Runewars Miniatures collection with my younger son, this time adding in the Runewars: Daqan Infantry Unit Upgrade Expansion Pack, to boost the infantry units. ย Obviously not painted yet, but assembled and otherwise ready to go. ย Compared to other plastics that I have assembled, these continue to be remarkable easy […]
A couple weeks ago, I purchased a couple of new notebooks, with the intent of managing a variety of activities. ย In particular, I wanted a way to track the various work related activities. ย I had previously experimented a bit with the process known as Bullet Journaling, but fundamentally, I couldn’t really get behind the method. […]
Heroes are challenged to deal with the problems of the city, and face challenges and conflict. The first recorded session of the campaign. Season 01, Episode 02 of the Outcasts campaign, a continuing gaming Audio Podcast of our Hero System (Champions) Superhero campaign. Fall – Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 […]
Finished the content length editing for the first Hero System podcast, which went decently fast, despite the new software options. ย As expected, not having to cache and render video at the same time was a significant time improvement. ย Overall, the game session of approximately 7 hours was boiled down to 1 hour and 38 minutes, […]
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