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As posted yesterday, I am trying out Adobe’s Audition software for audio editing, in preparing the files from the first episode of our Hero System campaign. Unfortunately, I ran into a frequent crashing problem, simply trying to trim the bulk of the content down. Once imported, it could read and modify the file without any […]
As part of my Hero System episode, I am trying out Adobe Audition, which has several tools to clean up the audio automatically, rather than my (inexperienced) adjustments. It also should allow for much cleaner edits and merging of the various files. I know the typical recommendation is Audacity, which is a free option, but […]
Had a late schedule change, and had to postpone the latest chapter of the Rise of the Runelords. Unfortunately, 2 of our players, fairly key in the climatic battle of Chapter 3 were unable to attend, and my game preparation had fallen a bit behind schedule. As a result, we cancelled the game for this […]
The group continues to explore the Hook Mountain ogre caves, after finishing off the front guards. They discover the fate of the Black Arrow Lamatar, and engage the leader of the clanhold, the stone giant Barl Breakbones, and come face to face with Lady Lucrecia in her true form. Chapter 3, Part 9 of the […]
Finished the video for the latest Pathfinder game, and it is available now on YouTube. The group continues to push into the ogre lair at Hook Mountain, and engages what appears to be the leadership. Podcast audio format will be posted next week.
Not much of an update today, since I am travelling home from Toledo again, as part of my routine schedule. Most of the day is thus spent on travel and getting sorted out at home, so little time for much else. I am most of the way thru the latest Pathfinder video, and have the […]
Having repaired Skull’s Crossing, the group prepares for their final assault on Hook Mountain, to rescue or recover Lamatar, and end the Ogre threat in the region once and for all. A harrowing journey thru icy and snowy mountains leads to the ogre clanhold, where they engage with the guards and outer defenses. Chapter 3, […]
Spending more time on the editing process, this time for the latest Pathfinder video, and struggling to find a rhythm. As I have previously posted, for each hour of content, it seems to take about 3 hours of editing in order to pare it down to about 10 minutes of final material. For a 5 […]
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