Zombicide on YouTube
As promised (threatened), I have uploaded the latest Zombicide: Black Plague play thru to YouTube. Two hours of excitement and enjoyment of the group against the oncoming Zombie hordes. No doubt we made a few rules errors in the game, but it was all fun, so no big deal to us. If you spot any…
3d Printed Minis
Running some further experiments with 3d printed Miniatures for gaming. There are a number of online sites (most notable HeroForge), where custom minis can be designed thru a website. At the end, you can choose to have the figure professionally printed, or you can download the STL file for self-printing. However, since a home printer…
Video experimentation
With our Zombicide game, I have jumped back into video documentation, with a bit of experimenting in preparation for our future Pathfinder game. Utilizing my bare bones gear (a camcorder, cell phone, and audio recorder), I managed to actually record some decent footage and a couple of angles. Audio ended up better than I expected,…
Zombicide: Black Plague
Managed to fit in another game of Zombicide: Black Plague, as we ever so slowly work our way thru the starter set missions. This time it was Quest 8 – The Evil Temple, and our first “Hard” mission. The first attempt went badly, the group split up and then encountered nothing but misses on their…
Return to podcasts
Its been a while now since I have published any podcast or video productions at all, let alone related to our gaming activities, and the itch is starting to return. Our current Kingmaker campaign would be an option, but realistically it is just too short of a series to make it worth while. Instead, my…