• Having discovered the threat of the ogrekin, the group continues on to Fort Rannick, where they discover it has been overrun by Ogres. ย The first steps in the assault and re-taking of Fort Rannick. This is an unedited version, so includes a lot of side discussion rather than a condensed game session. Chapter 3, Part […]

  • On the videos that I have posted for Star Wars Armada, you may have noticed the starfield game mat that has been used. ย This is a product from a company named Gamematz (www.gamematz.com), from which I have started to order various gaming covers. ย The big advantage I found with Armada is that they not only […]

  • In which the group ventures away from Magnamar, far into the wilderness to visit the region around Turtleback Ferry, sent to investigate Fort Rannick and discover why contact has been lost. ย The group encounters new mysteries in the quiet village, and ogrekin on the road to the Fort. This is an unedited version, so includes […]

  • Got distracted, and forgot to post my typical update today. Mainly working on the Hero campaign, I have managed to map out the outline for Season 1. ย First game past the pilot is this Sunday, planning to post the game podcast sometime next week.

  • Although it had faded from popularity over the last couple of years, apparently Minecraft is making somewhat of a comeback, at least with my kids and their friends. ย As such, I was asked yesterday to reconfigure and restart a Minecraft server so that my oldest and a couple of friends could play around and enjoy […]

  • Continue to get a stream of fan art from the players in the Rise of the Runelords campaign, of pretty decent quality given the age of the players. ย It is entertaining to me that I can not only recognize the creatures being drawn, but also how it relates to the particular section of the storyline […]

  • Finished another set, full video and details. ย Available now on YouTube. ย You can also catch the podcast audio version only, starting next week.

  • The latest Pathfinder gaming episode is most of the way thru the editing process, and I am expecting to have it wrapped up by Friday evening. ย Most likely it will be posted as an extra posting rather than waiting until Monday. ย As usual, the amount of material, and my limited schedule has made it take […]

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