• Previously missing in action, when the local game store failed to get their shipment on time, the new Imperial Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier has finally been located. ย An unusual ship in terms of looks, it is part of the latest release for Star Wars: Armada, and balances out the fleets with the Rebel options. ย Overall, […]

  • A couple years ago, during our trip to Myrtle Beach, we adopted a collection of hermit crabs for the kids. ย As these things happen, they became the pets of the wife instead, and over time, various things were added, including at one point a streaming webcam with the intent to record and review their nightly […]

  • Travelling back and forth for work again, due to a problem with travel approvals internally in the company. ย That prevents me from heading up earlier in the week, and going home later, and instead makes me need to travel up and back in the same day. ย Basically, I can charge mileage without needing approval, but […]

  • On Sunday, as planned, we played a game of Zombicide: Black Plague, instead of our regular Pathfinder game (due to a lack of players). ย Overall, it was a strong success, everyone seemed to have a great time. ย We only ended up playing Quest 1 – Big Game Hunting, and after a lot of cooperation (and […]

  • Got the opportunity to play some RuneWars Miniatures with my younger son over the weekend – a game he picked up a few weeks ago and had been eager to try. ย Not sure if after playing he is fully sold on the game, though he is eager to buy more figures now, but I don’t […]

  • Lots of plans for this weekend, for what was supposed to have been relatively quiet. ย Fortunately, most are what I would consider fun activities, so not a big concern. ย Tonight we head down to the summer camp to visit my son, who has been at camp all week. ย Should be a good moral booster for […]

  • I was attempting to configure a custom Ark server for my son, who is eager to try some of the numerous Admin codes, but unfortunately it was overloading my minimal webserver, and preventing WordPress from responding. ย As a result, you may have noticed a lot of lag over the last couple of days, or pages […]

  • So here I am on my latest round of work-related travel, when I discover that my intended video sync-up on my laptop did not take place as planned. ย As a result, I am stuck downloading the 22 GB file over hotel wi-fi from my home server. ย Not a good start to my attempt to get […]

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