• As mentioned previously, I am on vacation this week with my family, enjoying a bit of down time from work. ย I specifically informed the office that my vacation plans involved a “region in which cell phones cease to function” – thus don’t call and expect any response. ย As a result, the week has been very […]

  • Its taken quite a bit, but I finally managed to edit and finish the game video from our last session. ย During this game, the group continues to explore Fort Rannick, searching for the leader of the ogres, in an attempt to defeat the brutes. ย All the while, they are trying to avoid major conflict and […]

  • Posts for the next couple of weeks may be a bit more sporadic, as I am finally taking some time off from work and my schedule for a vacation. ย I will still be trying to post, or at least pre-post, but I honestly am going to try to think about computers as little as possible. […]

  • Apparently my recent rebuild also lost my twitter link, so recent posts had not been auto-posting to Twitter. ย Seeing if that is working correctly now (fingers crossed).

  • Its taken a while with recent distractions, but I finally managed to finishing editing for content length the latest gaming video of our Rise of the Runelords game. ย Still need to do another pass for graphic additions and perhaps sound, but almost there. ย As a result though, today’s post was running a bit late – […]

  • So yesterday I posted that my recent FreeNAS rebuild had affected the site, and discouraged or stopped the traffic to the site. ย From my testing, I was receiving 404 (not found) errors on all links, and the pictures and attachments were broken. ย This was resulting in web crawlers being unable to find and catalog content, […]

  • Perhaps I am overly obsessive, but since I am newer blogger, I tend to check my daily stats with some regularity. ย More from a sense of small accomplishment, rather than any expectation of a growing audience. ย However, since I rebuilt my FreeNAS server, which meant a restore of the site, my visit count has crashed […]

  • A special thanks to all those that serve or have served in the military, as the United States celebrates Memorial Day.

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