• Due to some scheduling conflicts, we are not going to be having our regular Pathfinder session this week, so I am going to attempt to fill the gap with a game of Zombicide: Black Plague. ย Should be a lot of fun, and still be able to occupy the players who are available. ย And incidentally gives […]

  • My kids recently have taken an interested in online gaming streaming, specifically around our efforts with Ark: Survival Evolved. ย After a bit of discussion, they have encouraged me to try my hand at that sort of effort and content again myself. ย I had previously made some short-lived efforts which lived on Twitch, but never really […]

  • Apparently Epic Loot was missing part of their shipment yesterday, so I was only able to obtain the Hammerhead Corvettes for the Rebels. ย Not a big concern, since I normally am playing Rebels ๐Ÿ™‚ ย I am sure the Imperial Carrier will arrive sometime in the future, and I will no doubt be back to pick […]

  • Today is release day for Wave 6 for Star Wars Armada, so heading to the gaming store to grab a set with my son. ย Also going to pick up his lottery winnings at the same store, an unknown prize of Magic The Gathering goodies. For us, the local gaming store is Epic Loot in Springfield, […]

  • So I wasn’t nearly as productive as I had hoped over the last few days, between planning on painting figures for Zombicide: Black Plague, and various other goals. ย We ended up getting distracted by Ark: Survival, as started to raise dragons (wyverns) on the Ragnarok world, on our private server. ย Apparently, I am the only […]

  • To any American follows, happy 4th of July! ย There won’t be any other content post as such today, since I will be out with family and friends enjoying some food, fun, and fireworks.

  • Managed to finished editing the video for the last game session a day or two before the next scheduled game, and uploaded it on Friday. ย Overall, audio and video is still decent, though I am struggling with one of the players who talks very softly. ย As a result, I had them move for this last […]

  • Another improvement I am hoping to make, as a result of my gaming video effort, is potentially a shift in the placement of each player. ย Naturally, everyone has a difference voice volume. ย However, this makes it troublesome on the video audio, since some players are close to the microphone and loud, and others are far […]

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