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The last few days have been rather hectic, as shows in my recent posts – my focus has been a bit all over. ย Work has been rather crazy, several major outages and other critical work, resulting in long hours. ย And we have had a resurgence in interest in Ark: Survival, starting from scratch on the […]
As a project for the Cub Scouts, for this year’s summer camp, I am constructing a pair of sling-shot style catapults for the kids. ย This weekend was the final time I have to finish them, and I managed to complete all the pieces and do at least a test assembly. ย The real test of course […]
Unfortunately, timing and events conspired, and I broke my recent string of consistent posting each weekday yesterday. ย As such, my count gets to reset back to 0, and I start again. ย Overall, not a bad run, I think I managed nearly 2 months of consistent little articles, which for me is a personal best. ย And […]
Between rebuilding my FreeNAS server, editing gaming videos, traveling for work, and various other activities, my schedule is rather full these days. ย The latest challenge is an ask from the Cub Scouts to build a functional set of “rubber band” style catapults for use during Day Camp this year. ย Since that is rapidly approaching, and […]
This listing will end up rather technical, but it is mainly for my own use, to catalog my current FreeNAS configuration and hardware specs. ย If you find it useful to model after, so much the better. ย As for general performance, I have been very happy with FreeNAS. ย As a comparison, we as a family routinely […]
So, after quite a bit of development and experimentation, I found out that apparently the Corral release of FreeNAS (FreeNAS 10.x) has been abandoned as unsupportable by the company that releases it. ย Fundamentally, I don’t fault them for their decision – if there are too many problems it doesn’t make sense to keep it going. […]
The good news is that I will have a longer period of time before I am backlogged by our ongoing Pathfinder gaming schedule, and the associated video production. ย The bad news is that it is because we will not be playing the campaign during this week’s scheduled sessions. ย With school wrapping up, we have players […]
Entering the world of YouTube video creation has been an interesting journey so far, with several challenges. ย How to handle the stresses of posting regular videos, and handling the feedback associated.
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