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While I have been editing the latest game session video, I noticed that the number of quests and missions the group is being asked to tackle is starting to grow quite a bit, and there is some confusion starting to creep in. ย In addition, I am having my own difficulties managing and remembering all the […]
An unfortunate side effect of the effort to record our gaming sessions is the lengthy amount of time required for the editing of the video. ย Initially, I was posting the videos in nearly raw format, which means the 5 hour session was posted as a 5 hour video, complete with all the sides conversations, distractions, […]
As if I don’t have enough distractions, I am going to attempt to add yet another one, related to hobby and gaming efforts that have been shelved for quite some time. ย A long time ago, I used to paint miniatures for roleplay and wargaming, a task I enjoyed but as life came along, could not […]
So I haven’t been that successful continuing my ongoing chain of postings recently, after missing yesterday’s deadline yet again. ย The good news is the habit is strong enough to make me realize the miss, but not strong enough to keep me from avoiding it. In truth, I have been allowing myself to get rather distracted. […]
Although we haven’t played in quite a while, we are resuming our alternate gaming group this coming Sunday, and starting/continuing a campaign based on the Warhammer FRP game (second edition version). ย This is not the Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords group, but actually my original group of far more experienced players. Its been a few […]
In my continuing quest to fine tune my home computer network, I am tackling another reorganization. ย Currently, this website and some other functionality is residing on an Oracle VM Virtual Box configuration, running several virtual machines which each in turn run Ubuntu. ย It dawned on me, that the same computer which runs the virtual box […]
As previously posted, I run much of my home network (and this website) on a FreeNAS server, currently running version 9 after a recent downgrade from the failed version 10 release. ย Recently, FreeNAS 11 was released as a stable version, so I have been eager to upgrade to the new functionality – but hesitant due […]
So there has been a noticeable drop in posting activity over the last couple of weeks, primarily because I spent the last couple of weeks with the family on vacation in Florida. ย We spent the first part visiting Disney World, and the second half with the kids on a cruise with the grandparents, and my […]
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