• I continue to slowly expand my Star Wars Armada collection, adding a single set of each of the various ships at a slow but steady pace. ย Since I need to outfit both Rebels and Empire, I try to keep both sides roughly equal by adding equivalent ships each time. This most recent adds are the […]

  • Since I have been attempting to film various activities over the last few weeks, I have started to notice that the interest level and opportunities for filming are actually becoming more common. ย It is almost as if having used the process, I am more in tune with it, and are seeing more options. ย But more […]

  • Successful woodworking project over the weekend, crafting version 2 of the art pencil box for the wife. ย This time, the construction was 100% Purpleheart, a far more exotic wood than the basic plywood and chipboard of the original. ย In particular, I was challenged by a lack of jointer and planer, which made the panel glue-ups […]

  • I had planned on working on version 2 of the art pencil box today, but an unusually late night last night (which I have to blame on video games), plus an early and long work outage call (which I have to blame on work) combined to kill that plan. ย The wife instructed me that I […]

  • Following the video failure during the last Pathfinder game, I opted to update the memory cards in the camera. ย As such, I now have a pair of 32 GB cards, which combined should allow for at least 5 hours worth of video. ย Unfortunately, that is the largest size of memory card the camera will hold, […]

  • Unfortunately, there is not going to be a new Star Wars Armada battle report this week, my son is off with the Boy Scouts enjoying some river rafting. ย Instead, my hope is to work on version 2 of the pencil box, this time with some quality wood (thinking Mahogany). ย Still pondering how I would do […]

  • In preparation for the next Pathfinder session, I left the group with the task of coming up with their battle plans for Fort Rannick. ย If you haven’t caught up on the storyline, reference the latest chapter of the YouTube chronicle. ย This is the first time many of the group have even considered such a level […]

  • Another round of the Pathfinder campaign, continuing Chapter 3 of the Rise of the Runelords this time. ย The group of 10 adventurers are still at level 7, but after their success in the second chapter, managed to gather a small number of magical items to assist with their questing, and have begun to explore the […]

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