• So I received the video camera I had ordered a few days ago – if you recall, this was a bargain basement option, to provide the basic ability to video gaming, crafting, and other activities. ร‚ย As such, I ordered the cheapest camcorder I could locate on Amazon, while still hoping to meet the various needs, […]

  • When you game, assuming you use a battlemat or tile system, how do you typically handle trees when the group is adventuring in a forest? ร‚ย In my case, on a blank battlemat, I either draw a rough line to indicate the edge of the forest and define one side as clear, and the other as […]

  • After my post yesterday, I ended up spending a significant amount of time researching video editing software. ร‚ย Certainly if I am going to start filming activities, projects, and games, I will need a means to efficiently process and edit, and post them for viewing. ร‚ย Of course, since my website receives practically no traffic, I also […]

  • Been wanting to resume streaming and YouTube videos, specific to gaming activities, wood crafting, and other miscellaneous projects. ร‚ย I actually have a small number of existing videos, from the time frame of my prior website presence, but have not had the opportunity or means to create additional content. ร‚ย Almost all of my gaming these days […]

  • It was a fun filled weekend, as is common with my Dad’s visit. ร‚ย However, due to the compressed schedule, I need a bit of time to recover. ร‚ย My dad typically arrives late on Thursday, and stays until Sunday, during which time we try to pack in as many activities and events as possible, including swimming, […]

  • Tonight marks the start of my dad’s annual visit, arranged this time specifically to be there for my youngest son’s birthday (which is this weekend). ร‚ย Always a good time, never long enough, but frequently challenging what with the kids ongoing complicated schedule (and my own). ร‚ย In this case, we have basketball practice, basketball games, and […]

  • Had the chance to see Lego Batman with the family yesterday. ร‚ย Overall, I would say it was enjoyable, but not very fulfilling. ร‚ย As a long time Batman fan, and a fan of Lego, it could have been a very fun movie. ร‚ย And in general, it was fun. ร‚ย Unfortunately, it just felt like it didn’t really […]

  • Taking the kids to see Lego Batman this evening, hopefully going to enjoy it as much as the reviews seem to imply. ร‚ย I always like Batman, and who doesn’t like Lego, so it should be fun. ร‚ย Not much of a post otherwise, most of my day has been focused on work related tasks, so not […]

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