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In preparation for the upcoming training game of Star Wars: Armada, I spent a little time coming up with a very basic fleet list, suitable to a 2v2 game. รย The first half of this is the Rebel Fleet, able to be split fairly evenly between two players. รย Intentionally, this uses no upgrade cards, only the […]
As mentioned previously, I have been playing Star Wars: Armada with my son. รย Now, we are working to expand our little fleet group to several new players, Craig and Keith, and Carter and Andy. รย The plan is to play on Monday, during the President’s Day holiday, and be able to start earlier in the afternoon […]
One of the needs following the last game was a general price list and list of choices for magic items. รย The group is starting to get some wealth, so it becomes necessary to provide options to spend, but with 10 characters, it is impractical to shop the books for all players each game. รย Instead, the […]
This last Sunday was the latest session of our ongoing “new players” campaign for Pathfinder, using the Rise of the Runelords adventure path. รย To cover the background in very brief, this is a group of young players and parents, none of whom have played before, learning Pathfinder together as a team. รย Originally, it was set […]
Managed to spend my weekend fighting the flu, which made the weekend a bit of a waste, but managed to start recovering by this morning. รย Of course, it didnt help that the weekend was filled with activities and commitments, between kids’ basketball all Saturday, and our ongoing Pathfinder game on Sunday. รย Still not sleeping solidly, […]
During this last Sunday’s game, we had a situation come up that ended up dating myself and several of the adults, while the kids looked at us as being crazy. รย I had referenced a scene in the old Tim Burton Batman, in which the Joker drops a giant bell down the tower, to stop Batman […]
Although I tend to lose my momentum anyway, this week is extra hard, as I have managed to catch a (hopefully short) flu bug. รย Dealing with body aches and headaches, and minor fevers. รย Of course, my real job doesnt really take sick days, so I am traveling for work at the same time. รย Between that, […]
Continuing to struggle with the site configuration a bit. รย I recently added a new theme, which has a much cleaner interface, and there will likely be cosmetic changes over the next few weeks. รย However, one side challenge I keep facing is the auto-Twitter feed, which is supposed to link a connection each time a new […]
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