Fueling the Rebellion
A second print for terrain for Star Wars: Legion, this was a long one coming in at 27 hours with a resolution of 0.15mm. Model is by SableBadger, hosted on Thingiverse at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2894409, specifically model #3. As before, pictured with a Pathfinder figure for scale. The print turned out very nice, though there was a…
More power!
Taking advantage of my recently leveled printer bed to print out some terrain pieces for use in Star Wars: Legion. First up in a power generator, using the design by Sablebadger on Thingiverse. This is printed in my normal grey PLA, with a 0.15 mm layer height and 10% infill. I didn’t have any stormtroopers…
Leveling (Tramming) the Monoprice Maker Select Plus
As anyone who has used a 3d printer knows, leveling your print bed (aka Tramming – aligning the flat print surface so it is equidistant from the print head at all times and locations) is one of the most critical steps to setup and to insure a well produced part. In my experience, it has…
Printing Tiles
After a bit of downtime on the printer last week, I have it running well again, so I have started working on expanding my terrain pieces. First up was a couple more large format tiles for the True-Tiles set, specifically a pair of 4×4 flagstones. With our Rise of the Runelords campaign, the rooms have…
Shadowrun Success
It has been a long road, but I would say we finally managed to kick off our Shadowrun campaign yesterday with a success. Being played entirely online thru Roll20, this is a new experience for all the players, not only with the technology but also the game system and settings. Due to numerous real-life challenges,…