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Its official, as of this morning, our Tabletop channel is officially recognized as part of the YouTube Partner Program. That means we are monetized and can start earning some minimal revenue. In truth, it will be truly minimal – the only avenue that is really opened up is what YouTube terms SuperChat, SuperStickers, and SuperThanks. […]
In my long gaming hobby, spanning 40+ years, I have very rarely finished a campaign. Certainly campaigns have ended, but almost all either die off due to lost motivation, changing interests, schedule conflicts, etc, or just fade away over time. After this weekend, I can say I have fully completed 2 full campaigns, start to […]
In our ongoing Warhammer FRP gaming group (full session videos on YouTube), the party is currently attending the annual Carnival celebration in Middenheim. Part of the Enemy Within campaign material is a great amount of events and details around the calendar of events for the 10 day festival, along with the notable NPCs that are […]
This last Sunday was scheduled to be our final episode of the Extinction Curse campaign, with the final big climax battle against the Xulgaths. The game happened (video coming Friday), but the battle ran longer than expected. Thus far, we are 9 rounds in, and the big bad evil guy is still fighting strong. This […]
In our recent Star Wars Legion games, it has become obvious that token tracking is challenging. The game operates with a collection of tokens, which are intended to be placed on the board near the respective unit, in order to track various affects and modifiers. This works well and is easy to track. However, when […]
Our long running Pathfinder 2e campaign is just about to wrap up, we have perhaps 1 more session before the final big climax battle. This group was formed way back in 2021, and the group has steadily worked their way thru the storyline. Some characters have been lost, but a few are still the originals […]
As we expand our Star Wars Legion games, and look into a few other game systems, I got inspired to create a swamp terrain board. This was heavily inspired by Black Magic Craft on YouTube, in which a similar technique is used to make roads. In my case, I reversed the negative space, and instead […]
Going to be heading for a bit this weekend and attending the family day at Gencon 2023 in Indianapolis, Indiana. It has been several years since we have gone, what with pandemics and schedules, so it will be nice to go again. Sadly, schedules and budgets restricted us to only a single day, so we […]
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