• This past weekend, one of our players attended a local tournament, and offered to spread the word of our channel and efforts. With appreciation, I engraved a set of order tokens for him, using our Logo for the back image, and the unit type for the front image. These worked well, and it had a […]

  • As mentioned earlier this week, the latest battle report (available HERE) is the start of our Battle for the Golden Vader tournament. I crafted a small traveling trophy, which will be held by the victor in this and future tournaments, with a label recording the past victors. Yes, that is an official Darth Vader (Dark […]

  • I have finalized my design for a paint rack, and have been actively cutting the parts. The overall design is large, but is mainly so that I can hold all the various paints I have collected. Cut from 3mm plywood, the assembly is fairly fast and easy, and the structure is surprisingly solid once together. […]

  • I expect it is a common issue for gaming groups, but with our Legion games, we have become rather competitive. Adding this to the large group that we have, and more than a few passionate players, can lead to a rather heated session. Since we publish our games, it adds in the complexity of having […]

  • Battle 48 is posting this Friday, kicking off our Battle for the Golden Vader tournament. Eight players in our group, competing in a double-elimination tournament, for the bragging rights and ownership of a traveling trophy. We are looking for viewer feedback specifically to help resolve ties. Instead of the usual mechanic of going to points, […]

  • As of this morning, our Star Wars channel has reached the 500 subscriber milestone. This is notable for several reasons, not the least of which is my simple appreciation to all our viewers. Back on February 23, we hit 300 subscribers, then on April 18 we hit 400 subscribers. Now 10 weeks later, and another […]

  • Featured in a recent battle report recording, Sabine Wren enters the battle for the Rebellion with her colorful armor and decorations. This is an older model that I held off on due to the extra decorations – a rather intimidating pattern. However, once I had actually started, I didn’t end up finding it particularly hard […]

  • The conclusion of our Star Wars Legion 1600 pt mega-battle is now live, with the final three turns of the match. If you haven’t had the chance to view the prior half, that one is obviously available still as well. The battle was a tough fight, and a long recording session, stretching into 11 hours […]

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