• Our group continues the fight in the ancient barrow, seeking to reclaim the flaming sword for their use against the new Troll threat. Meanwhile, events at their capital continue to escalate, though the city starts to grow (and we continue to try to understand and adapt to the Kingdom mechanics). Much of the eastern lands […]

  • Managed to cut and clean up a bunch of the acrylic, and then start to assemble the various components. Overall, I am happy with the look and format. However, there is notable flaws in the laser engraving of the acrylic – I suspect my settings are too hot for both engraving and cutting. Quite a […]

  • As I continue to develop game aids for Bolt Action and Star Wars Legion, I opted to create a few laser-cut acrylic Suppression and Pin markers. These share a similar design to the cardboard Star Wars Legion tokens, but the intent is to be universal. They are also part of the sizing considerations for the […]

  • Finally caught up (a little) on my product development, and posted out Bolt Action Scoreboard on Etsy (soon to follow here). This includes both a digital download option, as well as the physical laser-cut design, depending on the customer’s capabilities. With the weather starting to warm up, it will be nice to get back into […]

  • German forces again face off against the British 8th in a new (short) battle report. We introduce Thad to the game, who is taking on the mantle of the Germans, and I attempt to teach the game (poorly), while also filming and managing the British army. Although we both had fun with the game, mistakes […]

  • Our current chapter of the Enemy Within campaign has continued on a for a very long time – primarily due to our short session length. Since we get together every week, we are just about at a full year in the current chapter. Fortunately, most of the action has moved past the city intrigue and […]

  • With our recent Bolt Action attention, and my efforts at painting the figures, I have been pondering ideas for various game aids. I already have easier to read order tokens, movement sticks, and clear area of effect templates. What I have been missing however is Pin markers, and markers for Indirect fire tracking. The default […]

  • A few days ago, I posted a challenge, to find out what ideas there was to revise and upgrade our live-gaming audio capabilities. Although I didn’t receive any feedback or suggestions, I dove into the challenge myself. My theory, a series of cheap microphones, connected via 3.5mm audio cables, and split out into multiple mono […]

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