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Its been a while since I posted here, mainly due to the numerous channels I have been using recently. The YouTube content is steadily growing, which is very encouraging, and I have been posting most of my updates there in the YouTube Community sections (YouTube Community). Since the video content has been my focus recently, […]
Got a bit of inspiration, and opted to dive into more painting this weekend, completing a unit of Shoretroopers (minus the mortar). This is a unit that has been sitting for a while, but with a recent request for an Imperial Remnant army, I felt it was time to knock them out. I was rather […]
My process for videos and content is running fairly well right now, and we are fairly well stocked up. RPG sessions of course are limited to our play schedule, no real change there, but my editing process is mainly held back by the speed of rendering. Legion games however we pre-record, and then hold back […]
Broke a new milestone today as the channel passed the 300-subscriber mark. Despite a slowdown in content over the holidays late last year, this is still an acceleration in the participation. For reference, the first 100 was a 4-year journey, 200 was 15 weeks, and now 300 was about 13 weeks. My thanks to all […]
Another week, another battle report for Star Wars Legion. This time the Rebel Alliance is taking on the Grand Army of the Republic. Leia and Sabine are leading a force of Rebel troops, including Tauntauns and several squads of Fleet and Rebel Troopers. They face the Republic, led by a Wookie Chieftain and leading several […]
Latest episode of Star Wars Legion goes live this Friday, with the Separatists facing off against the Shadow Collective. The CIS is fielding a swarm of B1s and a tank, lead into the fight by Grievous. The Shadow Collective has Gar leading the charge, with several units of Mandalorian Super Commandos and Black Sun Enforcers. […]
Small update to the gaming schedule this week, due to a few conflicts in the calendar. The Warhammer FRP game is cancelled, we will resume the following week, meaning our next session video won’t be out until 2/17. Might have an intermediate video in the meantime, to fill in the side-adventure of Erdim, after he […]
Although the scale of my channel doesn’t match more established ones, it is a constant source of excitement for me when we set new records or milestones. In particular, our latest episode of Star Wars Legion (Episode 26, Empire vs Rebels), seems to be doing above average on the interest and watch time levels. It […]
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