• Although the scale of my channel doesn’t match more established ones, it is a constant source of excitement for me when we set new records or milestones. In particular, our latest episode of Star Wars Legion (Episode 26, Empire vs Rebels), seems to be doing above average on the interest and watch time levels. It […]

  • Our latest batch of weekly videos posted this morning, including Star Wars Legion, Warhammer FRP, and the Carrion Crown Pathfinder campaign. As usual, Patreon supporters get early access by a couple of days or longer, based on our play schedule. Carrion Crown includes the latest efforts of the group, as they explore the Skum tunnels […]

  • Posted the latest Carrion Crown episode today, for publishing on Friday. As usual, don’t expect much of an audience, but we are continuing to fine tune the audio and video. Audio remains solid, video is an improvement with multiple camera angles. Given the recent drama over Dungeons and Dragons and Wizards of the Coast, there […]

  • With my recent re-organization of the YouTube channels into a more focused format, I have been seeing a surge in interest in our Star Wars Legion content. Admittedly I didn’t post any game sessions over the holidays, so there was a bit of a lull, but with new sessions going live, we have added a […]

  • As of yesterday, Atomic Mass Games has released the new version 2.5 of the Star Wars Legion ruleset. As a result, we will be converting our video battle reports to the new ruleset, with our next games. In the meantime, there is a bit of a lag as we have 2 videos already recorded but […]

  • Managed to finish editing down a second episode of Legion and post it to YouTube actually ahead of schedule this time. It should be auto-published next week Friday without issue (available early on Sunday to any Patreon supporters). This is a second Separatist vs Empire battle, with George adjusting his Separatist force a bit. The […]

  • Finished up and published our lasted Star Wars Legion battle report, coincidentally episode 023, just in time for 2023. Video is processing with YouTube currently, should be online on schedule Friday morning (or early access to all Patreon supporters). Separatists take on the Empire in a Hostage Exchange.

  • Since last week, I have renewed my efforts to exercise more and try to improve my health. It’s been close to two years since I routinely exercised, and admittedly even then it was only a few miles of walking. My goal this year is to make it routine, and slowly ramp up the exertion, hopefully […]

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