• Another week, another server migration. This time, I did an intentional migration of the webserver. Previously, my WordPress installation was running on a virtual machine on one of my main systems. This was working fine until my recent eCommerce site addon, establishing my Quartermaster. At that point, the extra database and processing load apparently was […]

  • For quite some time now, as part of our Live-play sessions, we have had a collection of old laptops for the players to interact with the game and Foundry – look up rules, move their character, roll dice, etc. In support of that, I bought a set of the cheapest wireless mice I could find, […]

  • Haven’t posted updates on our campaigns in a bit, but several are still ongoing and moving forward. One of our regulars is our Pathfinder Kingmaker campaign, with the group currently trying to keep their kingdom operational, while dealing with Troll raids, in the Rivers Run Red chapter. In recent events, we are making a solid […]

  • Looking for suggestions and options, since I keep coming up blank. I am looking to redesign and try to improve our current audio setup, for our live-play RPG sessions. What we have is functional, but challenged – some of the players are naturally louder than others or quieter. Originally, our group consisted of 10 players, […]

  • Based on customer feedback, I added a new line of colors to my 3d printing and have expanded the Wargame Widget line of unit markers. I am now stocking slightly less common colors of purple, orange, yellow, brown and gray, in addition to the original red, blue, black, white and green. This gave me motivation […]

  • I think my corrections and fixes are finally settling in, and I have the e-commerce site apparently functional. Only a portion of my Etsy products are listed thus, more to come with likely a bit of an update on some of the photos. Biggest challenge I am running into is just the basic layout, modifying […]

  • The Enemy Within campaign continues weekly, with the current chapter seemingly never ending. Our latest episode posts this morning, and sees the group at the village of Gladbeich, which is dealing with a horrible creature. In the prior session, the group ended up committing to “save the town”, and now are on the hook to […]

  • So I was tinkering around with setting up an e-commerce site, to duplicate my Etsy presence on this dedicated site instead. Unfortunately, although the installations themselves worked fine, it ended up wiping out my customized templates and themes. As such, you will no doubt notice a graphics overhaul on the site. I think I got […]

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