• Going to be a bit of disruption in our regular gaming schedule over the next week or two, due to Band Camp commitments with several of our players. As such, the Carrion Crown campaign is being postponed this weekend, and the Enemy Within campaign next week will be similarly delayed. In place of those streams, […]

  • Latest episode of our Extinction Curse campaign should be posted now at the below link. The group continues to explore Xul-Khundar in the Black Desert, searching for clues on the location of the last Aeon Sphere. This session was a bit heavier on the combat – the nature of high-level Pathfinder is much more long […]

  • Updating on my 3d-printed life-size B1 Battle droid, which is slowly taking shape. I have completed the head, and most of the torso, after several days of printing. All the parts go together remarkable well, and ample use of super-glue is holding strong. I am currently working on finishing up his blaster rifle, which can […]

  • I have gotten it in my head to craft a modular terrain board for Star Wars Legion (and potentially other games) and have settled on a rolling hillside based on Hoth terrain. To this end, I have been studying various YouTube options, and have acquired a bit of foam and supplies. The design is to […]

  • A topic long ignored is my ongoing 3d printing, mainly around the filament printer. In my case, my current model is a Prusa i3MK3s, honestly a very solid work horse of a machine. It has been very reliable system, except for the occasional user errors with re-adjusting calibration and filament temperatures. However, over time, the […]

  • Gave away the first set of miniatures from our Carrion Crown campaign during the game this weekend, to the current players of the storyline. Since there was only two comments, the giveaway was simple – I gave them the option of how or if to split the figures. They opted to amicably split the pieces, […]

  • Last week, as a filler, we ended up running a Star Wars: Legion game, which I ended up recording and then posting to YouTube. This apparently has been much more successful than our otherwise regular long-format RPG storylines. Which is fine, and not unexpected given recent trends. As such, I am looking to expand this […]

  • With our RPG gaming schedule disrupted this week, we ended up with no Extinction Curse and no Enemy Within progress. Still wanting a game, my son and I ended up doing a game of Legion instead, both trying out armies that we were not familiar with. In my case, I had a desire to play […]

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