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After numerous months of streaming our live games on Twitch, I have opted to drop the parallel effort and move entirely over to YouTube Live. Functionally, Twitch is much more capable and feature full, but there simply is no audience for our gaming materials and I don’t post actual video games. As such, with all […]
As planned, our Call of Cthulhu one-shot, The Dare, was able to be held on Saturday. By this point, the first two parts of the session should be available on YouTube, if anyone has any interest in the experience. Unfortunately, the start time was a bit delayed, but everyone had a lot of fun, and […]
A project this week was to build an enhancement to our gaming table setup, specifically to add LED lights along the edge. In prior games, the screen we use is rather difficult to see due to glare from the lights. If we turn off the lights however, the players can’t read character sheets. This was […]
The scheduling for games is a bit disrupted this week due to several conflicts in calendars. No Warhammer FRP game this evening or next week, and our regular Pathfinder game this Sunday. However, in its place, we will be holding a one-shot for Call of Cthulhu, using the scenario, The Dare. The setting is Halloween […]
Although we ended up several players short due to scheduling conflicts, we managed to kick off Chapter 3 of the Carrion Crown, with the Broken Moon section. As the group discovered early on, this chapter’s focus is on werewolves, specifically located in the Shudderwood region. At the end of the last chapter, the group was […]
The latest episode of our Warhammer FRP campaign, the Enemy Within was posted this morning. This continues and just about wraps up the events of Chapter 1, with the events in Bogenhafen rising to its chaotic conclusion. The group is racing thru the city, multiple plots are coming to a close, and the villains are […]
An idea I have been toying with for some time has been the option to raffle away some of the miscellaneous props and figures from our gaming sessions. We also have ideas for more, and there is only so much storage space, so rather than having them gather dust, perhaps someone else can benefit. The […]
A bit of a revision to our planned Call of Cthulhu one-shot. Originally planned as two separate sessions repeating the story for two groups, it is now intended as a single session, potentially running two days. This is a result fundamentally of the number of players interested and available, and the focus of the game […]
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