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With the family heading out in a couple weeks for some vacation time, I find myself with an open schedule. Although I still get to work during most of the time, it does give me the opportunity to try out some unusual gaming options. Most notably, I am planning on a set of one-shot Call […]
As my internet journey continues, I have started to notice some small increases in traffic on the various platforms. None are a major size change – I will not be stopping my day job any time soon – but all are notable from my own limited perspective. The biggest increase seems to be on YouTube. […]
It appears that the final piece of Chapter 2 of the Carrion Crown will be wrapping up this weekend, as the group faces off against the Promethean. This chapter has been a bit heavier on the roleplay and investigation, so it is finally time for a full drag-out fight. Of course, it happens to be […]
Decided to make an effort to consolidate my Twitch efforts into a single channel, instead of multiple different ones. That makes it somewhat easier to stream from different sources, without having to change the settings, and gives me additional content to fill the time somewhat between game sessions. If you have been a follower of […]
Having had much time this week due to numerous work projects, but we are managing to continue our Warhammer campaign this evening. The group is currently wandering the streets of Bogenhafen, trying to unravel the mysteries that are ongoing. Following the session last week, I of course did my usual routine of posting the video […]
As planned, and rather surprisingly, we actually managed to resume our old Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay campaign yesterday. This is a campaign we began in April 2021, but then had to suspend in June 2021 due to summer activities. All of the players had been enjoying the game and storyline, but timing just was not workable, […]
With the weather turning nice, I have jumped into some new woodworking projects, with the long-term goal of setting up a small side business. I am not looking for a new career, mainly just a funding source for the hobby and a means to slowly grow or improve the other tools. Of course, trying to […]
It has been a long time now (about a year), but it seems we might finally be making a return to our Warhammer Fantasy RPG campaign of The Enemy Within. Since December, we have been trying to arrange the schedule, and its appears that Moorslieb has finally aligned. If you haven’t seen or followed this […]
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