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In celebration of Star Wars Day, I managed to play another round of X-Wing, this time with just my son. He was flying a revised Scum list, while I had a revised Rebel squadron. Although we understood the game and it progressed much faster, the game only lasted 7 turns until my entire fleet was […]
No mid-week games at this time, either for our current X-Wing schedule or a renewal of the Warhammer Fantasy RPG campaign – though both are still planned. Scheduling is just interfering, and players are not available. I do want to eventually establish a routine schedule, if only for consistency, but in standard fashion life gets […]
If you watch many tutorials on video creation, one of the primary lessons you learn quickly is that audio makes or breaks your production. Low quality video is troublesome, but generally doesn’t chase away viewers (unless its really annoying). Low quality audio however rapidly chases them away. It is very easy to forgive poor lighting, […]
The first part of any streaming setup is of course the gear and software necessary for the production and collection of footage and audio, and a means to broadcast or record. My philosophy, both due to budget limitations and practicality, has always been to do as much as possible with as little as possible. Many […]
Its been many years, but we finally managed to get together for a round of Star Wars X-Wing, using the latest version of the rules. As usual, we opted for an overly complex mission plan, with a 4v4 battle between 4 players – 2x Rebels, 1 Scum, and 1 Empire. Add to this our general […]
A set of figures I had printed and ready to go a while ago finally got some game time with the presentation of my Purple Worms. Obviously, these are non-standard representations, and the coloration is a bit different, but they were still almost immediately recognizable by the group. The coloration is based off the current […]
This last weekend had a slight change in our schedule – due to personal events we opted to switch the regular game to Saturday instead of Sunday, which gave us an unusual opportunity to have an extended game. Instead of our normal 5 hour session, we instead managed to reach nearly 9 hours, plus a […]
Going to be spending several upcoming posts on the subject of live-streaming. Specifically focused on my lessons learned and efforts around live streaming our RPG sessions, but honestly it can be applied to a great many different options. I am by no means an expert, but thru trial and error and many YouTube videos, I […]