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This last weekend had a slight change in our schedule – due to personal events we opted to switch the regular game to Saturday instead of Sunday, which gave us an unusual opportunity to have an extended game. Instead of our normal 5 hour session, we instead managed to reach nearly 9 hours, plus a […]
Going to be spending several upcoming posts on the subject of live-streaming. Specifically focused on my lessons learned and efforts around live streaming our RPG sessions, but honestly it can be applied to a great many different options. I am by no means an expert, but thru trial and error and many YouTube videos, I […]
Without touching any of the usual mummy-related jokes, I present the most recent foe the Carrion Crown group encountered. This ancient corpse was hiding in one of two sarcophagi, waiting for the group to engage and be distracted, before emerging to attack. Unfortunately, the group was more than capable and quickly dispatched the creature – […]
For the past several weeks now, I have swapped over to a Twitch format for our gaming schedule, which I think upload to YouTube after the fact. So far, this is actually working quite a bit better. Although the audience is still non-existent (not unexpected), it does streamline my own workflow quite a bit. Twitch […]
I haven’t posted for a bit, thanks to a bit of vacation from work – just haven’t had the desire to sit at the computer a lot. However, we are continuing our various campaigns and activities, and managed to progress enough to show off some recent painted figures. Most notable was my new Mimic piece, […]
The final figure I was able to show off for the group is the Erinyes, an extradimensional devil which flys thru the air, shooting flaming arrows at its victims. This creature assaulted the group unexpectedly while they attempted to flee from the rust monsters, over an unsteady rope bridge. Unfortunately, it caught the Champion and […]
A second creature a painted up for our Carrion Crown campaign is this Ice Golem, originally intended for far different purposes. The group has been complaining recently about my lack of large-size creatures, so this was a good time for such an oversized beast. This was a bit of a departure from the story as […]
Been doing some painting recently, in preparation for the current chapter of the Carrion Crown. At this point of the story, the group is exploring Castle Caromarc, the apparently home of The Beast. The castle lord is mysteriously missing, and the place was being guarding by trolls, apparently intent on entering the place as well. […]