• Live streams

    In the interest of consolidating my ongoing activities, I am planning to discontinue the live streams of our RPG sessions. We will still be gaming, that isnt going anywhere, but the audience has simple never materialized. For a time, we tried Twitch, and then we moved to YouTube live, but the end result was a…

  • Custom YouTube URL

    With our recent surge in subscribers on YouTube, we have managed to break the 100 barrier. A small accomplishment, but a very welcome one. And one of the minor perks this brings is the option for a vanity URL for YouTube. I had been working around this limitation with a URL redirect (http://youtube.halfling13.com), which in…

  • Consolidated video releases

    Experimenting with some timing changes, and will be consolidating the release of the various video content. I had previously set Friday for the release of any new Legion battle report, but our various RPG sessions released typically the night or day after the session. Moving forward, I am setting all of them to go-live on…

  • Legion – Empire vs Republic

    Another week, and our next episode of Legion, with a battle between the Empire and the Republic. This is hopefully our last “training” game, introducing what seems to be our last new player (playing Empire). After this, my plan is to wipe the win/loss record, and then start off keeping semi-official records. Unlike our prior…

  • Star Wars Legion, Competition Season 01

    Changing up the format of the Star Wars Legion somewhat and planning a competitive season. With the posting of our final “training” game tomorrow, all our current players are now familiar enough with the game to be competitive and on their own. As such, we will be wiping the scoreboard clean, and then battling for…