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Highlighting a bit of my son’s force with the Galactic Republic, as his entry into our Skirmish league. With some encouragement, he has been racing to paint his entire force, and managed to complete all figures except 1 in time (a single solo white primed rocket clone). He opted to paint them in the color […]
Started the skirmish league this weekend, which was a lot of fun. Both my son and I managed to get a game in, and conveniently play at the same time against new competitors. In my case, it was Rebels vs CIS, George was playing Clones vs Rebels. For my game, the Rebels held their own […]
Continuing our Carrion Crown campaign this weekend, with episode 4. Last time, the group set off to continue the trial of the Beast, and found themselves in Hergstag, beset by wights. Despite the fight turning deadly (we lost Francisco the Gunslinger), the group was victorious. Can they continue their investigation, and perhaps find some useful […]
Finally had a chance to take a complete photo of my competition team, all shiny and freshly painted. Referencing the army list I shared previously, I managed to go thru and paint up most of my rebels, including about twice as many of the troopers as required. This force is all set for the competition, […]
Decided to get a bit more complex on the Speeder truck, and paint specific sections and stripes. Using some tape, I was able to block off several key sections, then highlight them with paint using a piece of sponge. Opted for complementary colors – some dark green (Army Painter Elf Green), black, and a bright […]
Although I haven’t focused much on it over the last year or two, I have recently started posting works in progress on Instagram (in addition to occasionally streaming my projects). If you are curious about some of the work, and want to see in progress pictures, along with the final efforts, take a moment to […]
Started on the painting of my final skirmish piece, the A-A5 Speeder Truck last night, and managed to get most of the shell completed. As you can likely tell, I am going non-standard, and continuing my desert camouflage theme with darker browns rather than the light grey I have been seeing. Vehicle is pictured next […]
Wanted to highlight some of my son’s efforts, as well as my own. While I have been busy painting up Rebels for Legion, he has been working on technique and practise with a collection of Galactic Republic Clones. We will both be participating in the upcoming skirmish league, so have motivation to finalize our painting. […]
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