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I think my corrections and fixes are finally settling in, and I have the e-commerce site apparently functional. Only a portion of my Etsy products are listed thus, more to come with likely a bit of an update on some of the photos. Biggest challenge I am running into is just the basic layout, modifying […]
The Enemy Within campaign continues weekly, with the current chapter seemingly never ending. Our latest episode posts this morning, and sees the group at the village of Gladbeich, which is dealing with a horrible creature. In the prior session, the group ended up committing to “save the town”, and now are on the hook to […]
So I was tinkering around with setting up an e-commerce site, to duplicate my Etsy presence on this dedicated site instead. Unfortunately, although the installations themselves worked fine, it ended up wiping out my customized templates and themes. As such, you will no doubt notice a graphics overhaul on the site. I think I got […]
Been pondering some new gaming options around our RPG efforts and considering a switch back from the electronic virtual tabletops and laptops. Foundry VTT is excellent, and has served very well for many years now, and the laptop setup is solid and reliable. Each week, we have several games with Pathfinder and Warhammer FRP that […]
Its been a while since I updated and posted on this site, but I am still here. With the holidays, work schedules and various activities, I have admittedly let the website itself sit idle for too long. Part of this is the struggle for content, but at least a portion is also driven by laziness. […]
When I started getting into Bolt Action, I found that the game still uses Area of Effect templates – something that is absent (and sometimes missed) in Star Wars Legion. Any time an explosive weapon is used, the template is used to determine how many models are affected by the blast. Group up, more damage. […]
Our first seasonal one-shot is on schedule for this coming weekend (November 30), though the plans have changed somewhat. Mothership is still on the schedule, but we opted to start instead with an intro adventure for Shadowdark instead. I am working to update and convert the Crypt of the Everflame storyline (Pathfinder 1st edition, published […]
Adding a few new designs to the Etsy collection, as I slowly increase my options. This time it is a set of Vehicle and Terrain bases I designed, since I don’t care for the “free” vehicle placement. Basically, in Bolt Action, infantry figures have a 1 inch base, artillery and heavy weapons have bases of […]
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