• The third model I have been working on painting this week is Darth Maul – a piece that was actually back-ordered for a very long time. I had even gone to the extent of 3d printing a proxy model, though I never ended up painting or using it. The model as pictured isn’t quite finished. […]

  • Continuing my recent painting, and opted to spend some time on the old landspeeder. Still have several figures to go on and in the vehicle, but it is nice to finally have paint on this particular model. We decided to apply a snow-theme to all the Rebel bases, so eventually this will actually be more […]

  • A second model I have been working on, and recent acquisition over the holidays, is the recent Super Tactical Droid. The figure was fairly simple to assemble, being just a basic droid, and I opted to paint it in more neutral colors (rather than a special pattern of the named versions). Nothing too fancy here […]

  • It has been a while, but with recent gaps in gaming, I am making some more progress on the painting backlog. My son and I are tackling more of the Legion troops, myself with a mix of Rebel and CIS forces, and George working on his Clone army. First up is an unlikely pair of […]

  • Years ago, one of my favorite game systems for RPGs was and still is the Rolemaster mechanics. High fantasy, and realistic and deadly combat, combined with more than its share of technical crunch and math, we spent many sessions in the worlds and settings using those rules. Over time, the published ruleset evolved into a […]

  • As planned, we held our first (hopefully annual) Twilight Imperium tournament on New Year’s Eve. Although we had planned to start at 2 PM, it was pushed back to 5 PM due to player availability. All 8 players battled long and hard into the night, with us wrapping up due to exhaustion at 5 AM […]

  • A couple days late, but still valid, as we welcome in the new year of 2022. Haven’t been posting much over the last couple of weeks mainly due to the holiday season, and a still busy work schedule. This last year was an interesting one, most of my content has become easier to produce and […]

  • It always the holidays when the Nut Roll production begins. In a few hours, the house will be filled with the backing of the bread, and plenty of goodies will be added to the holiday treat list. Only a lucky few will receive one – each is a significant effort.

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