• Finally starting on the next stage of the grand gaming table. As published previously, my intent has been to create a large gaming surface, for our oversize group. We have the table itself, which itself is rather massive, but still a bit cramped for the players. The first step was to create a virtual table […]

  • So the new MMO launched yesterday, and have been more than a little bit distracted as a result. Although the game itself runs well, and is very popular (they hit 700k concurrent users), the launch of course had its issues. The major concern for a lot of players was initially just the naming of characters. […]

  • If you have been watching our Carrion Crown live stream, you may have seen Francisco, our pre-release Gunslinger character. In our prior campaigns, the player was always very eager for black powder weapons, asking when or if they would be permitted. With our recent game, with some negotiation, I allowed the player to use the […]

  • Thus far, it appears that the new New World MMO is still on target and set to be released on September 28. To that end, we are still planning on actively playing, to level up our respective group. Have not heard from anyone interested in joining us, but that honestly hasnt stopped me in the […]

  • With our 4th gaming session completed (Carrion Crown YouTube Playlist), the group is making rapid progress thru the storyline – at least rapid compared to prior campaigns. Crunching the numbers, our previous campaigns averaged about 12 sessions of 5 hours per Chapter, for the 6 chapter storyline. For Rise of the Runelords, that comes out […]

  • Updated link for the next session of our Carrion Crown live play streaming, scheduled for this Sunday at 2 PM EST. The group is starting their exploration of the Harrowstone Prison, having determined that there is quite a bit of threat in the location. With information granted from the ghost of Vesorianna, the dead wife […]

  • Been recently inspired and interested in the possibility of a Call of Cthulhu based rpg game. Admittedly, not sure where I would fit it in on the currently packed schedule, so it would likely be later this year (after football season), and in truth I have never actually run that game system. However, I have […]

  • Ages ago, we used to play World of Warcraft extensively, and were initially guild members and then eventually guild leaders (RIP Stargazers and Juggernauts). This occupied many years, many expansions, and untold hours of effort. However, as time moved on, the friends we met drifted off, and the content lost its shine and interest. Warcraft […]

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