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One of the requirements of our upcoming campaign is for all characters to be represented by an accurate figure, which has been painted. For several of our players, that is a stretch, and not what they are comfortable with. However, art supplies and options being what they are, even inexperienced persons can paint remarkably well. […]
Part of my gaming room configuration has been the design, building, and deployment of a digital table and table space for the group. For this reason, we purchased an oversized table (approximately 10 foot), to fit our overly large group. Eventually, this will be covered by an overlay, providing space for the players books, papers, […]
During our recent group painting session, I tackled a few of the resin giant rat figures I had printed, in preparation for use during one of our various games. These had been in my box for several weeks, but I figured it was a good time to try the results of some more Contrast Paints […]
Opting to try another technology test and fully stream out Extinction Curse campaign. Using the Pathfinder 2e rules, this is a campaign that we have been running for a while – the group is midway thru Chapter 3. The goal here is really to focus on the technology, and make sure it all works – […]
Part of the challenge I have given all of the players for our upcoming campaign is to provide a painted, character appropriate miniature, and to consider their particular relationship to the initiator NPC of the campaign, Professor Petros Lorrimor. For this background, they can simply know their story, or optionally, provide a written background. I […]
With my professional life in IT support, I have a desire to test and verify all technology, especially when it is new – or at least a new process. To that end, I am planning on scheduling a pre-campaign live stream to test the configuration, tools, and options. Consider it a Session 0 for the […]
After many weeks of planning, we finally held our big summer Twilight Imperium game session – a two day boardgame bonanza. Twilight Imperium (TI4) is something I have had on my shelf for a couple of years, but had only had the opportunity to play once, and then only partially. I had always wanted to […]
One of our characters for the new campaign is opting to play a Catfolk Witch, a new combination allowed for this campaign. Not only is the Witch newer, I have also allowed for the option of some of the expanded ancestries. Catfolk seems to be a rather popular choice. The player designed the figure in […]
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