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In preparation for the upcoming campaign, I have tasked the players with creating or locating a figure, and painting it to match their concept. On my end, I have been collecting a number of models for use for the creatures and NPCs. Some are working, others are still a work in progress. However, given the […]
I have been having a number of challenges with my 3d printer, specifically the Prusa i3MK3s. At this point, it is I believe 30+ months old, and has been running nearly constantly, so I cant say that it has not been reliable. In fact, it has been for the most part rock solid, and very […]
Been working diligently on the streaming format for our new campaign, and the settings are now mostly finalized. I have a published link from YouTube (opting for YouTube over Twitch) available immediately, for our upcoming stream on August 8. This will be the kick off of the campaign, with finished (and painted) minis for the […]
One of the many upcoming characters is Aznak, a Kobold Ranger to be played by my youngest. Kobolds are a new entry to our game group options, it is curious to see how well they blend into the campaign. As per all player guidelines, Aznak has a strong relationship to the storyline thru a long-standing […]
With our new campaign, we will be trying a new format on the gaming video archives, and attempting to live stream the various games. This has some advantages – not only is the content available immediately, but we can also conceivable interact with any audience. In addition, a major benefit is that I don’t need […]
For those who have followed for a time, my primary group these days is a rather overcrowded group of up to 10 players. This has been good and bad in many ways, but is a natural extension of our gaming style, rarely turning away players, and wanting to create a new group several years ago. […]
Many years ago, as part of the 1st edition of Pathfinder, I ran the Carrion Crown Campaign for the RPG group of the time. The party managed to survive to Chapter 5, before being overwhelmed by the enemy, and unable to recover. At the time, the group had grown bored of the storyline, and the […]
Years ago, one of our popular games was a free-form Superhero game utilizing the Hero System mechanics. This was a game system that was frequently on again, off again with our group. I remember a number of successful games, and a couple of successful adventures, but we never really managed to maintain a long term […]
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