• Been updating and collecting my various 3d models from various sources, and used this as an opportunity to update my galleries on the website. Lots of new pictures of existing models, primarily collected thru my Patreon memberships to Papsikels and TytanTroll Miniatures. The full collection is below, or you can also find links to the […]

  • At long last, I have started recording our game sessions again, and editing them for YouTube. We are currently running a very fun and exciting (at least for the players) campaign set in the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (4th edition) system, which I am using for my efforts. So far, I have the first session completed, […]

  • Switching gears a bit from the recent Star Wars strategy games, and refocusing on my RPG efforts. This week finally sees our return to live, in person gaming, a situation I have been waiting for for quite some time. Not only will this be my first GM’ing post-Covid with a life group, but it will […]

  • If you have followed me for any time, you know I am big into the 3d printing hobby, with a Prusa i3MK3s FDM printer. I use it extensively, for pretty much anything quick that I need to either print or design. I have featured more than a few large builds, including terrain, star ships, and […]

  • We managed to play the first couple of turns of our Legion game on Monday night, with my Separatist army vs my son’s revised Empire army. Mistakes were made, forces were killed, and thus far the game is a draw per the objectives. I am leaning towards an Empire victory by the end of the […]

  • Figured I would detail exactly what forces I have been fielding in the Star Wars Legion games, looking for any feedback or suggestions. As a newer player, I fully expect I am either using tactics poorly, or not fully understanding the options or mechanics. No doubt a lot is personal preference, but most of my […]

  • Set up for another round of Star Wars Legion, with my Separatist army (unmodified) going up against a revised Imperial Army. The battlefield is set, and the units deployed, and the forces are ready to start (as soon as we have time enough). On the field, we have a rather symmetrical field of forests (light […]

  • With my newly painted army, I remembered to take a few pictures of our table and terrain during our first battle. Ended up forgetting to go further after the first couple of turns, but at least I got what I did. The scenario was Recover the Supplies, which really turned into “meatgrinder”, with both sides […]

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