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As posted before, I ended up being inspired to paint up my Separatist Army for the Star Wars: Legion game. After spending time generating and deciding on a 800 pt list, I acquired the necessary models, assembled, primed and ultimately painted the entire set. Fortunately, droids are fairly straightforward, total time was less than 2 […]
Have been inspired recently to paint my Separatist army for Star Wars Legion, after our last game. At the time, I opted to focus heavily on the Separatists, and went ahead and planned out an army. Since then, I have acquired all of the rest of the figures, assembled them, and am now working on […]
Over the years, I have played with and experimented with Virtual Machines in various forms, typically to run Ubuntu or Windows based systems. These were used for either game servers, web servers, file systems, or just for basic experimentation. Currently, I am running one which holds my Home Assistant instance, on an old Windows laptop, […]
As posted last week, I was working on printing a model for the Dragon’s Crest starship, as part of the Dragon’s Rest models. Over the weekend, the last pieces finished up. With the addition of a few more clips, and a handful of ball-bearing magnets, I now consider the model completed. Of course a layer […]
Some time ago, not exactly sure when, I acquired an STL set as part of a sale from Dragon’s Rest. If I recall correctly, it was for a modular docking bay set, but came with a fully modular set for the Dragon’s Crest design starship. Since my dice tower collection is just about completed, I […]
With the ending of our Age of Ashes campaign, we have been without one of the primary storylines for a couple of weeks. During this past time, I have been evaluating options. Although I have a few thoughts myself for future games, I did manage to convince one of our players to try their hand […]
The fourth, and final, tower of our first painting batch is the Kraken theme tower. Emerging from the water, the Kraken strikes, tearing down the tower itself. This one was my personal favorite, and one that I was looking forward to painting As is my typical, the stone is black with a grey highlight and […]
Another of our large collection of dice towers, this one being the Sorcerer theme. Painted by my wife, who is a much more artistically oriented crafter, rather than a miniature painter. The stone and rock was painted with a layer of light grey on a grey background, various colors for the building, and a bronze […]
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