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As planned, my upgrade of the FreeNAS media server was completed, successfully upgrading our 10 TB of storage to a new total of 48 TB. The data migration only ran about 12 hours, much shorter than I had feared, and overall the upgrade was fairly painless. In the process, I also upgraded to the latest […]
For the past 4+ years, I have maintained a home server, running various versions of FreeNAS. This itself was a replacement for a cobbled together and informal version, until I opted to build a dedicated system, roughly 2015. Combined total, I managed to squeeze out about 15 TB of storage, using a variety of shucked […]
After many weeks, months (and years) waiting, the actual build of the new home has begun with the ground breaking. This was delayed from last week due to some apparent challenges with the utilities (who measured and placed the utility box in the middle of the future driveway). That hurdle was finally cleared, which allowed […]
In preparation for the new home, and my plans to improve overall the new networking, I have implemented a virtual server running Pi-Hole. Functionally, Pi-Hole is a software tool that attempts to block all advertisements, similar to a web browser adblocker, except it can be used to block all traffic from all devices on the […]
I havent posted anything regarding our Age of Ashes campaign in a while, since we discontinued the video efforts for the storyline. This campaign continues on pace, with our bi-weekly games, and we continue to use Fantasy Grounds Classic for the sessions. Just recently, the group wrapped up Chapter 2 successfully, and we quickly moved […]
Its been a while since my site has had any activity, primarily because I have been fairly heavily distracted by outside issues. In order to try to correct that, I am going to try again to establish a routine, and post updates on various factors. Likely, this will be less gaming related and more real-life […]
As a temporary measure, while the new house is being built, we are living with the inlaws. Although this brings its share of pros and cons, one of the larger impacts has been internet and network connectivity. Between my day job and various hobbies, I utilize quite a bit of internet bandwidth, and our home […]
Continuing the process of selling and relocating, we passed another major milestone. With the results of the house inspection, we have settled on and agreed with the buyer on the level of repairs and/or compensation required. The final step is now the formal bank appraisal of the house (which is not really an area of […]
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