• If you have been following our long-term Warhammer FRP campaign, the Enemy Within, then you will know that quite a while ago we converted the combat system over to Rolemaster mechanics, in attempt to add more detail, granularity and grittiness to the game. We have now made the decision to reverse that direction and have […]

  • We posted the second of three battle reports focused on training Andy, our Rebel player, last week Friday. This battle was against Craig, another of our less experienced players, playing the Separatist droids. Unfortunately, due to extremely slow game play, the recording session ran long and we had to call the game early rather than […]

  • As I mentioned in my recent Viewport, I have been working on a revision for the intro credits to our Warhammer FRP storyline. The one we were using were very basic, since they were created years ago at this point. To me, they were very dated and basic, I have learned a lot about Davinci […]

  • Our latest battle report is uploading and processing on YouTube currently, available immediately for members, or on Friday for everyone as normal. This was a step back for our group, a chance to help one of our players really learn the tricks and tactics of their chosen faction. Andy is one of our friendlier players […]

  • Amongst our group of Legion players, several have managed quite a bit of experience, and some have lingered behind. This is a game which on the surface is fairly straightforward, but due to the keyword mechanics, can be very deep and detailed. In particular, there are a number on non-intuitive rules that run in unexpected […]

  • My thanks to @kenSwinson@indieweb.social for their help and troubleshooting with ActivityPub integration into WordPress (visit their website at https://www.kenswinson.com/). Although I thought it was a simple matter of loading a plugin, it turned out to be a little bit more complex. Technical process really is that simple – just load the plugin and configure. However, […]

  • Over the past month or so, I have been trying to get into the habit and practice of posting a weekly video blog style video, going over some behind the scenes stories and covering recent and future activities. This has been evolving each time and is a good way for me to practice speaking to […]

  • Second attempt to link up ActivityPub

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