Tag: 3d Printing

  • Bolt Action Scoreboard

    Bolt Action Scoreboard

    Finally caught up (a little) on my product development, and posted out Bolt Action Scoreboard on Etsy (soon to follow here). This includes both a digital download option, as well as the physical laser-cut design, depending on the customer’s capabilities. With the weather starting to warm up, it will be nice to get back into…

  • Bolt Action “Dog Tags”

    Bolt Action “Dog Tags”

    With our recent Bolt Action attention, and my efforts at painting the figures, I have been pondering ideas for various game aids. I already have easier to read order tokens, movement sticks, and clear area of effect templates. What I have been missing however is Pin markers, and markers for Indirect fire tracking. The default…

  • Legion Points of Interest

    Legion Points of Interest

    I have a set of basic 3d printed marker “disks” that we have been using for Star Wars Legion since the 2.6 update. These are functional and work – they are highly visible with the green on the white background design. However, they are also just flat tokens, and rather boring. After the first few…

  • Wargame Widgets

    Wargame Widgets

    If you play tabletop strategy games, you likely know the challenge of identifying different squads of infantry. Either the models are the same build, the weapons are similar, or the painting is similar, and when the units get bunched together, it is hard to separate which soldiers go with which squad. Or you don’t have…

  • Behind the Brush

    Behind the Brush

    Months ago, I posted a video or two I titled “Behind the Brush” – short demonstrations and examples of the painting techniques I used. Very primitive and basic but accomplished their simple goal. However, they didn’t get much traction, I suspect mainly because they were so basic. With my recent efforts to do more talking…

  • STL Library

    Haven’t posted in a bit, mainly due to lots of distractions. If you have been following the YouTube channel, I have been posting some content over there a bit more frequently as it applies to the videos. I am happy to say the channel continues to grow, though that isn’t the focus of this post.…

  • Printer back online

    Successful repair operation to replace the extruder fan on the Prusa i3MK3 3d printer. As previously reported, I was receiving sporadic temperature failures, which eventually lead to complete failures whenever the first layer was completed. The screen indicated either a TMC overtemp error, or a Crash Detected. In reality, it was neither. Instead, it was…

  • 3d Printer offline

    Been dealing with a problem with my 3d printer, the Prusa i3MK3s that I have been running for the last couple of years. Up until recently, it has been running very well – solid prints, reliable operation, no major issues. In recent months, I did have an issue with bed adhesion to the removable build…