Tag: 3d Printing

  • Printing variety

    Had a number of recent projects this week that have been working the printer quite a bit.  Not only am I working on my first printing and painting video, but I have been collecting a number of time lapse videos for other projects.  The wife also tasked me with me with making a Boy Scout…

  • Video content

    Still struggling to find a format for the creation of YouTube content, after numerous challenges and setbacks.  I have found that game play videos are simply too long and involved to make good content – they are rather dull to watch, take forever to edit down, and I don’t have the gear to make them…

  • Paladin (with beer)

    Decided to test the limits of the printer, and attempt to print a custom gaming miniature.  In this case, it is a paladin, wielding a sword and beer.  Resolution was set for 0.1mm, and there was a lot of support material, but overall I am happy with the quality.  The picture certainly highlights the roughness…

  • Fueling the Rebellion

    A second print for terrain for Star Wars: Legion, this was a long one coming in at 27 hours with a resolution of 0.15mm.  Model is by SableBadger, hosted on Thingiverse at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2894409, specifically model #3.  As before, pictured with a Pathfinder figure for scale.  The print turned out very nice, though there was a…

  • More power!

    Taking advantage of my recently leveled printer bed to print out some terrain pieces for use in Star Wars: Legion.  First up in a power generator, using the design by Sablebadger on Thingiverse.  This is printed in my normal grey PLA, with a 0.15 mm layer height and 10% infill.  I didn’t have any stormtroopers…