Tag: 3d Printing

  • Leveling (Tramming) the Monoprice Maker Select Plus

    As anyone who has used a 3d printer knows, leveling your print bed (aka Tramming – aligning the flat print surface so it is equidistant from the print head at all times and locations) is one of the most critical steps to setup and to insure a well produced part.  In my experience, it has…

  • Printing Tiles

    After a bit of downtime on the printer last week, I have it running well again, so I have started working on expanding my terrain pieces.  First up was a couple more large format tiles for the True-Tiles set, specifically a pair of 4×4 flagstones.  With our Rise of the Runelords campaign, the rooms have…

  • MtG Trophy update

    Another trip to Toledo, another round of updates to my work on our trophy for the upcoming Magic: The Gathering tournament.  Last time, I applied a base coat of black to the overall model, making it appear to be a large lump of tar.  This time, it was drybrushing the stone base with different shades…

  • Printer gaps

    I have tried numerous possibilities, and I still can’t seem to resolve what appears to be the final quality issue with the 3d printer.  As you can see in the picture, I am getting gaps in the print at the start of the layer on the outer wall.  It isn’t consistent by layer, but of…

  • A (mostly) successful print

    My continuing efforts to 3d print and craft a set of dice boxes for our gaming group managed a bit more success yesterday, with a successful print in copper of the customized box top.  I have been having quite a bit of challenge with the cutout on the lid, which is printed first – the…