Tag: 3d Printing

  • Mold challenges

    Expanding my efforts with 3d printing, by branching out into silicon molds and epoxy replication.  First attempt is a rather large project to attempt to duplicate a set of rpg dice cases I am working on, instead of having to print each set.  So far, this is just the first of two parts, and the…

  • Star Wars: Legion terrain

    Spent a couple days working on terrain for Star Wars: Legion, specifically an Imperial Bunker by Upsidedown98.  Print was lengthy (about 36 hours), but not unreasonable for the bulk, and my printer has become rather finely tuned now, so the quality is pretty decent.  The piece is in two parts, the base plus a removable…

  • Video improvements

    Football season is upon us, and that means my younger son is hard at practice with training for his now 5th grade team.  One of the volunteer duties of the parents is that one person is asked/volunteers to film all of the games, for review by the coaches and players.  Not too hard, but something…

  • Eagles

    Got a bit distracted this week, while the kids were off at Cub Scout day camp.  We ended up being in charge of the pack flag, which has resulted in a number of crafty solutions.  The flag is a very large one, much larger than prior years, so first we had to find a bigger…

  • MtG Tournament Trophy

    Last year, as part of our local tabletop group, we held our first Magic: The Gathering Tournament – a small affair of local players and friends.  It was rather informal, and admittedly almost no one even knew how to play, but we had a good turn out with about 16 players.  Everyone had a great…