Tag: 3d Printing

  • Twitch Consolidation

    Decided to make an effort to consolidate my Twitch efforts into a single channel, instead of multiple different ones. That makes it somewhat easier to stream from different sources, without having to change the settings, and gives me additional content to fill the time somewhat between game sessions. If you have been a follower of…

  • Purple Worms

    A set of figures I had printed and ready to go a while ago finally got some game time with the presentation of my Purple Worms. Obviously, these are non-standard representations, and the coloration is a bit different, but they were still almost immediately recognizable by the group. The coloration is based off the current…

  • Mummy

    Without touching any of the usual mummy-related jokes, I present the most recent foe the Carrion Crown group encountered. This ancient corpse was hiding in one of two sarcophagi, waiting for the group to engage and be distracted, before emerging to attack. Unfortunately, the group was more than capable and quickly dispatched the creature –…

  • The chest smiles back

    I haven’t posted for a bit, thanks to a bit of vacation from work – just haven’t had the desire to sit at the computer a lot. However, we are continuing our various campaigns and activities, and managed to progress enough to show off some recent painted figures. Most notable was my new Mimic piece,…

  • Trolls

    As planned, we continued our most recent Carrion Crown campaign this weekend, and as planned, we Twitch streamed the game. Overall, no major issues with that, though as expected the audience was non-existent. Maybe that will pick up, maybe it won’t, not really a big factor since it is more of a curiosity. Following the…

  • Twitch printing

    Entirely new side project, I am working on a way to auto-stream 3d printing progress via Twitch. Not that there is a big audience to watch a printer run for 24 hours, but there might be some curiousity. Really, it is just an exercise to see if I can do it – I already have…

  • 3d printer = problem solved

    As part of my design for the gaming table, I have several cutouts in the surface to accommodate cables and wires for the electronics. This allows me to have a mostly seamless surface, and still have the digital table and microphones – without cables going thru the table below, or on the surface. However, when…

  • Props – the golden scarab

    The final book of our Carrion Crown prop collection is a bit of a mystery to the group. It is presented as a locked tome, bound in leather, and in good condition – unlike most of the rest of the items. On the cover, is a single golden scarab, but no other notes or indicators.…