Tag: Abomination

  • Zombicide: Black Plague – Abomination

    I finished the highlighting and cosmetics on the Abomination, and rather like the figure.  I am not that happy with the pants/shorts – the suggested green ended up becoming rather muddy and really fades into the skin tone of the zombie giant himself, but the rest is nice.  The highlighting and shading really makes the…

  • Zombicide: Black Plague – Abomination

    Working on the next round of Zombicide figure painting, wrapping up the unique characters and starting the bulk of the zombie hordes.  First up is the Abomination, base coated and washed, ready for highlighting and cosmetics tonight.  I was concerned initially by the base coat, it appeared rather flat, but the wash effect worked pretty…

  • More painting

    The next round of painting should be finishing up the survivors, and starting the Necromancer and Abomination.  After these, the last stage is the zombie hordes themselves, which will likely be batched out in bulk over the next couple of weeks.  I will post updates as I go, but for now I have the blank…