Tag: Accessories

  • Gamematz

    On the videos that I have posted for Star Wars Armada, you may have noticed the starfield game mat that has been used.  This is a product from a company named Gamematz (www.gamematz.com), from which I have started to order various gaming covers.  The big advantage I found with Armada is that they not only…

  • Quest listings

    While I have been editing the latest game session video, I noticed that the number of quests and missions the group is being asked to tackle is starting to grow quite a bit, and there is some confusion starting to creep in.  In addition, I am having my own difficulties managing and remembering all the…

  • Condensed Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 3.3

    After a lengthy editing session, I have managed to distill the latest game session video to a far more reasonable 52 minutes of length, compared to the original 5 hour session.  As is typical, much of the normal gaming session is filled with rules discussions, explanations, and general chatter in the game, and a far…

  • Expanded Armada Fleets

    I continue to slowly expand my Star Wars Armada collection, adding a single set of each of the various ships at a slow but steady pace.  Since I need to outfit both Rebels and Empire, I try to keep both sides roughly equal by adding equivalent ships each time. This most recent adds are the…

  • Site updates

    It required a few extras days of tweeking, but after my recent issues with the FreeNAS update, I finally have the ability to upload files at the appropriate size limitations.  This means I was able to finally post the Tree template I created recently, as well as link to a couple of new YouTube efforts…

  • Update to Trees

    Previously I posted that I was working on a template system for forests and trees, for use during our RPG sessions.  I spent some time, and created a full sheet template, and then printed a few copied out on transparencies.  My plan is to try them out during our Sunday regular game, and see how…