Tag: Age of Ashes

  • Change in venue

    For our ongoing gaming activities, we will be doing a bit of a location shift over the next couple of weeks, moving the location where we gather for the Age of Ashes campaign. Currently, we meet bi-weekly at a local church where my kids are also active in Scouting. For the most part, this has…

  • Age of Ashes, Episode 13

    Episode 13 of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you gain early access, otherwise as usual the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. If you are not a supporter, but find some entertainment in my content, please…

  • End of Hellknight Hill

    13 gaming sessions in, and we have just wrapped up the first chapter of the Age of Ashes. Part of the challenge is of course the overly large group of 10 players, as well as adapting and learning the 2nd edition rules of Pathfinder. With an average of 2 hours of actual “content” each session,…

  • Episode 12 title slide

    Continuing my diorama style thumbnails for the Age of Ashes episodes, highlight some of the terrain and painted figures. Planning on adding a few of the group’s painting efforts, once I can hold on to them post game, but for now it is rather basic. This does however give me the opportunity to continue my…

  • Content Feedback

    In our Age of Ashes campaign, we are rapidly approaching the conclusion of Chapter 1 with the group, which means its time for me to start putting together material for Chapter 2. Depending on how fast the group progresses, Chapter 2 will be starting either at the end of session 13, or likely early in…

  • Age of Ashes, Episode 11

    Episode 11 of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you gain early access, otherwise as usual the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. If you are not a supporter, but find some entertainment in my content, please…

  • Big Norm

    A side benefit of using customized STL files for miniatures – I can have some fun with them and print oversized options. In particular, our first character, Norm, I re-printed as a 300% collectible statue for my son. This takes advantage of the detail of the model, and gave me a chance to try out…

  • New video format

    Going to try out a different format for our video sessions for the gaming – the level of engagement on each one is almost non-existent. Honestly, I didn’t expect anything else – it is a long dry session of watching other people play a game. But after some prompting, it was suggested that one issue…