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Tag: Audio
Limits of our recording capability
A few days ago, I posted a challenge, to find out what ideas there was to revise and upgrade our live-gaming audio capabilities. Although I didn’t receive any feedback or suggestions, I dove into the challenge myself. My theory, a series of cheap microphones, connected via 3.5mm audio cables, and split out into multiple mono…
Microphone challenge
Looking for suggestions and options, since I keep coming up blank. I am looking to redesign and try to improve our current audio setup, for our live-play RPG sessions. What we have is functional, but challenged – some of the players are naturally louder than others or quieter. Originally, our group consisted of 10 players,…
Video testing
Finalizing my second composition testing of video/podcast production, with the video rendering now in the background. This should be almost a final test, before we start our Age of Ashes campaign next month. I managed to pull together some logos and intros, along with some music I am happy with, and now have a reliable…
Videography prep for Season 3
Continuing my experiments and efforts with recording our Season 2 sessions, as we prepare to start Season 3. Specifically, I am trying out different camera angles and audio options, so that I can have a more dynamic game chronicle. So far, I think I am satisfied with the camera options. They are not top of…
Age of Ashes, Test A
In preparation for our upcoming Age of Ashes campaign, I am revising our camera and recording setup. Keep in mind, this is being done at as low of budget as possible, with a bit of creativity, luck, and inexpensive gear. To that end, during our last session, I attempted to test our process, and record…
Microphone Shock Mount
If you ended up watching the Rise of the Runelords video from yesterday or listening to the podcast, first, thanks for being my limited audience. Second, you likely noticed a lot of background noise on the recording, mainly due to impact noise caused by movement on the table translating into the rather sensitive microphone. In…
Hero System – episode 3
Running a little bit behind schedule, but should be wrapping up the audio podcast for the last Hero System game this evening, or early tomorrow. Condensed down very well – a 8 hour session only had about 30 minutes of content, thanks to a combat heavy session. Going to experiment with sound effects to spice…
Hero System update
Finished the content length editing for the first Hero System podcast, which went decently fast, despite the new software options. As expected, not having to cache and render video at the same time was a significant time improvement. Overall, the game session of approximately 7 hours was boiled down to 1 hour and 38 minutes,…