Tag: British

  • Movie suggestions

    With my recent attention to the Bolt Action wargame, I have rekindled some interest in the North Africa theatre of WWII. As a result, I have been looking for any movies or media that is worth watching in that setting. Admittedly, most of what I am finding is very old – most of the Hollywood…

  • Tabletop Wargames

    Tabletop Wargames

    Managed to get in a couple of games on Sunday, processing now for the battle reports hopefully by Friday. First up was a rematch of my Rebel forces with Ben’s Empire force, revised to version 3 for the units. He dropped the Dark Troopers, and opted for a fully loaded AT-ST, which was a serious…

  • Bolt Action

    Bolt Action

    Recently, I have been inspired to branch out into new gaming, because of course I have nothing but free time and lots of disposable income (neither accurate). I have always been curious about the Bolt Action tabletop wargame, which as I understand has been going strong for many years. At this point, at the end…