Tag: Call of Cthulhu

  • Mothership


    As Halloween approaches, we enter into our annual one-shot season for our gaming group. Typically, this time frame is challenging with schedules, so I plan for several games that are shorter, without the long-term commitment of our other campaigns. This also gives us a chance to try out some alternative games, without necessarily being too…

  • Mothership

    As mentioned yesterday, I obtained the Mothership RPG following Gencon (ordered directly from Tuesday Knight Games, since I could not obtain it at the convention). I only have the PDFs for now, the physical books will be a week or two, but from what I am reading thus far, I am really impressed. I had…

  • YouTube sub channels

    It’s been a project on my to-do list for several months, but as of the start of the year, I have begun splitting out my existing YouTube material into several smaller channels. This involves a lot of re-uploading and configuring of additional presences, but hopefully will allow for a bit more focus on each channel.…

  • Channel Milestone

    We have reached another new milestone with the YouTube channel as we continue to add followers. With our recent focus on Star Wars Legion (and some RPG content), the subcriber count is growing steadily. As of today, we have hit 200 subscribers! My thanks to everyone who tunes in to see our adventures, and our…

  • Updates

    Seems I haven’t posted to the website in a few weeks, mainly due to scheduling conflicts, heavy workload, US holidays, etc. And more than a little impact is the more recent use of YouTube communities, and trying to reinforce our Patreon site. It feels repetitive to post similar topics to all such sites, and it…

  • Busy Schedule

    It was a rather hectic and packed week this week, with several games, lots of kids sports activities, and squeezing in some more Legion, but I appear to have come thru successfully. The Legion game was a bit late this time, which made the editing schedule rather rushed, but with my templates and process I…

  • The Dare, the second group

    Saturday is scheduled our second session of The Dare scenario for Call of Cthulhu, with a fresh group of victims/players. I am repeating the exact same scenario and am very curious how the new group will react or adjust to the situation – the main difference is the team are all teenagers, instead of a…

  • The Dare results

    As planned, our Call of Cthulhu one-shot, The Dare, was able to be held on Saturday. By this point, the first two parts of the session should be available on YouTube, if anyone has any interest in the experience. Unfortunately, the start time was a bit delayed, but everyone had a lot of fun, and…