Tag: Characters

  • Hero System – Nightshade

    This another of the character backgrounds, in preparation for our upcoming Hero System campaign.  Nightshade is the energy blaster of the group, a rebellious teenager who excels at computer programming, and can manipulate electronics and computers at a distance. For each character, these are drafts, some of the details may change before the game actually…

  • Hero System – Lord British

    This another of the character backgrounds, in preparation for our upcoming Hero System campaign.  Lord British is the brick of the group, a construction robot granted artificial intelligence after being used in programming experiments. For each character, these are drafts, some of the details may change before the game actually starts as I continue to…

  • Hero System – Captain Morgan

    This another of the character backgrounds, in preparation for our upcoming Hero System campaign.  Captain Morgan is the gadgeteer of the group, a pirate from the 1700’s cursed with immortality, who has recently decided it is time to do something of value with his life. For each character, these are drafts, some of the details…

  • Hero System – Spider Monkey

    This is the first of several character backgrounds, in preparation for our upcoming Hero System campaign.  Spider Monkey is the speedster of the group, a small spider monkey that was experimented on in a science lab, before escaping into the wilds of The City, to join the group. For each character, these are drafts, some…

  • Hero System

    So, change in plans (again), and my efforts for miniature painted are derailed.  After our last non-Pathfinder gaming session, the second group I participate in (which is not recorded or posted) dropped our current Warhammer FRP roleplaying campaign.  Not exactly sure why, but one of the players had had enough, and the rest agreed that…